Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Kaleido Octopus

Kaleido Octopus Bracelet/  Brooch (Code: Ka09-0F)
Colour: Peach
Medium: Felt, Polyester, Mixed Media

This collection creates stylish fashion jewellery. 
It is inspired by Origami, paper cutting, architecture and kaleidoscope. 
Due to the designed structure, every piece of work shows various appearances and 
offers diversification of wearing.

Copyright © 2012, Yu-Ping Lin

To Make you Splendid♥ You can buy via here:

Saturday, 1 September 2012

♥Lolita Nite♥ @ V&A

Special event @ V&A

It's fascinating to join such fabulous event rather than clubbing on Friday!
Lolita fashion is the unique street style that combines Japan's obsessions with cuteness, punk and Gothic macabre. It's an interesting to think about the relationship between the Lolita fashion in Japan and the Victorian style in Britain

  Look at this illustration, the flyer is too delicate to ignore!

 New installation in the entrance of V&A. Can you believe it's made of road cones! 

See how girly and cutey we are!

 Kitty and Bulldog Gallery Talks

The John Madejski Garden: playing heady mix of J-pop, J-rock music

DJ set: Roustabouts

 Winnie Pool Lolita &  Pikachu girl!